Universal News Share

Welcome to Universal News Share, the blog for Universal Health Fellowship. Our community is a health care sharing ministry where members share their medical expenses with each other. Interested in joining? Click “Get in Touch” at the top of this page.

5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

The Mayo Clinic defines self-esteem as your “overall opinion of yourself – how you feel about your abilities and limitations.” Healthy self-esteem can look like making confident decisions, avoiding and escaping unhealthy relationships, and expressing your needs assertively.

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The Fast Facts of Menopause

The Fast Facts of Menopause

Anyone with a female reproductive system will go through menopause as hormones in the body begin to change. In this blog, we cover the most frequently asked questions about menopause, list several tips for managing symptoms, and discuss the stigma around menopause.

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The Importance of Practical Self Care

The Importance of Practical Self Care

Self-care is more than a buzzword or fast-lived trend. Practicing regular self-care can have a great impact on your health and overall well-being. While we often see self-care portrayed as a bubble bath, face mask, or massage, self-care doesn’t always look glamorous. In fact, self-care should look different for everyone based on your individual needs.

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Gut Health – Just Another Fad?

Gut Health – Just Another Fad?

You’ve probably heard the term gut health, gut microbiome, or gut bacteria in the last year. But what are these things? Do they actually affect your overall wellbeing? Keep reading to find out whether gut health is all it claims to be or if it’s just another health fad.

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The Benefits of Walking

The Benefits of Walking

Walking is often an underrated form of exercise. There are many benefits to walking we don’t talk about, and walking has even been lauded as a better workout than running by scientists. We’ve outlined some of the best benefits a daily walk can have for you below.

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The Fast Facts on Food Deserts

The Fast Facts on Food Deserts

Food deserts are “geographic areas where residents have few to no convenient options for securing affordable and healthy foods — especially fresh fruits and vegetables.” The USDA’s most recent food access research report, conducted in 2017, estimated that 6.2% of the population (19 million people) were living in a food desert.

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Healthy Affordable Grocery Shopping

Healthy Affordable Grocery Shopping

With food prices rising, it’s difficult for many Americans to afford groceries – especially healthy ones. In 2020, 1 in 10 Americans reported sometimes or often not having enough to eat within the last week. To help you afford healthy groceries reliably, we’ve compiled a list of proven tips and tricks to help you cut costs at the grocery store.

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Staying Safe While Running/Walking at Night

Staying Safe While Running/Walking at Night

With the sun setting so early, it can be difficult to get outside during daylight hours. A quick jog or walk after work is a great way to get some fresh air, relieve stress, and move your body, but there are a few risks to be aware of and prepared for. With a little forethought, we can all continue to enjoy a nighttime stroll or jog safely.

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The Health Effects of Dry Air

The Health Effects of Dry Air

As the seasons change, people talk about the weather and air. Whether it’s a hot, humid summer or cold, dry winter, we’re always told to stay informed on the effects the season may have on our body. Every season and air type impacts your health, and it’s especially important to know the consequences of dry air on your body during these cold winter months.

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Health Benefits of a Clean Home

Health Benefits of a Clean Home

From time to time, we all find ourselves relaxing on the couch after dinner, too tired to clean up the kitchen. Or maybe you struggle with letting the dirty clothes pile up in the bedroom during a busy week. But having a clean home is scientifically proven to have health benefits.

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If you have a question about a specific member and/or needs request, please call the number on the back of the member’s UHF membership card.

For more general inquiries, call 877-987-1233.


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