Self-care is more than a buzzword or fast-lived trend. Practicing regular self-care can have a great impact on your health and overall well-being. While we often see self-care portrayed as a bubble bath, face mask, or massage, self-care doesn’t always look glamorous. In fact, self-care should look different for everyone based on your individual needs.


The World Health Organization defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” We can’t rely on a monthly bubble bath or weekend face mask to meet these goals. Ideally, self-care should be a sustainable part of your daily routines. This means self-care isn’t always fun, but it should function to improve your life. Below, we’ve listed several ways to practically implement self-care into your regular schedule.


Make time in your schedule to exercise

Many people struggle with finding adequate time to exercise. But even if you can only fit in 10 minutes of stretching between meetings or while watching TV, that’s better than nothing. Try doing jumping jacks or lunges while waiting on your coffee to brew. Dance to your favorite music while doing household chores. Combine phone calls with walks. Move your body, however you can, whenever you can.


The Importance of Practical Self CareKeep your house clean

If you missed our blog “Health Benefits of a Clean Home,” check out all the reasons having a clean and tidy home is good for your physical and mental health!


Unplug from technology

Studies have shown that unplugging from technology helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, improves the efficiency of your sleep cycles, improves your relationships, and can increase your productivity.


Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is challenging for many Americans. But by prioritizing sleep, you’re prioritizing your health. Those who get enough sleep get sick less often, have an easier time staying at a healthy weight, lower their risk of diabetes and heart disease, have reduced stress levels and better moods, get along better with others, and think more clearly, leading to making better decisions and doing better in school and at work.


The Importance of Practical Self CareRead a book

A study done by the University of Sussex shows that reading for just 6 minutes a day can reduce stress levels by 68%. Reading has also been linked to improved longevity, stronger connections in the brain, lowered risk of cognitive decline, and improved memory and concentration.


Spend time outside

Spending time outside increases vitamin D levels, lowers blood pressure, betters your mood, and boosts your concentration skills. Additionally, many people find some connection with nature to improve their overall wellbeing.


Make regular trips to the grocery store

Going to the grocery store can be a tedious task but procrastinating the trip can lead to financial strain (think about the price of ordering out and going to restaurants every day) and strains on our health. By having a regular shopping time, it’s easier to keep your kitchen stocked with foods that will make you feel good.


Enjoy a cup of coffee

Americans are always on-the-go. We drink our coffee in the car on the way to work or while sitting through a meeting. But many other countries take the time to enjoy a cup of coffee, whether that’s with a friend or simply taking the time to mindfully sip before checking their phone.


Research has shown that self-care promotes better sleep, better stress management, boosts your immune system, increases productivity, improves your mood, and more. Time management is the biggest obstacle to practicing regular self-care, but even 30 minutes each day will make a difference in your health.

For more resources on establishing a self-care routine, read “How to Start a Self-Care Routine You’ll Follow” here. For more practical self-care ideas you can do in less than 10 minutes, check out this article.