Health Benefits of a Clean HomeFrom time to time, we all find ourselves relaxing on the couch after dinner, too tired to clean up the kitchen. Or maybe you struggle with letting the dirty clothes pile up in the bedroom during a busy week. But having a clean home is scientifically proven to have health benefits.

Living in a messy, disorganized house or apartment can have a seriously detrimental impact on your emotional and physical health. From feeling less productive to dealing with extra stress to suffering from breathing problems, we’ve covered all the ways it benefits your health to keep a tidy house.


You’ll Be More Active

Cleaning gets you up and moving. While it may not seem like a workout, it’s a great way to get steps in and gently move your body. Whether you’re carrying heavy laundry baskets and vacuum cleaners up and down the stairs, walking from room to room to put objects where they should be, or just wiping down the surfaces in your home, chances are you’ll be sweating after a few minutes.


You’ll Be More Productive

Do you ever feel like you work better in a clean space? It’s not all in your head! A study by researchers at Princeton found that the visual cortex of the brain is easily overwhelmed, meaning a cluttered space makes it difficult to focus on any one task. Not to mention, procrastinating becomes easier than ever when distracted by clutter you need to put away.


Health Benefits of a Clean HomeYou’ll Feel Less Stressed

You may believe you’ve learned to live with your varied piles, but they’re probably having a bigger impact on you than you realize. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America have found that the physical activity involved in cleaning paired with the end result helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.


You’ll Eat Better

Because a chaotic physical environment often leads to stress, we’re more likely to crave junk food when our space is messy. By cleaning up, research has shown people are more likely to choose to healthier options, like cooking in a clean kitchen and making a healthy meal instead of an instant meal.


You’ll Get Sick Less

Bacteria love to hide on countertops, the kitchen sink, and your coffee maker. Regularly using disinfectant wipes on these areas, as well as frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and refrigerator handles, can dramatically decrease your risk of getting sick.

Dust and allergens accumulate in carpeting, bedding, and upholstery over time, causing allergies and asthma to worsen. Changing the AC filter in your house will also prevent breathing in these dust particles and allergens.

While this blog has focused on clean homes, keep in mind that these facts apply to other spaces you spend time in as well. Whether it’s your car, workspace, or dorm room, try taking a few minutes each day to clean up; you may be surprised how much your quality of life improves!


For more information on why a clean house is so important, read this article by Oh So Spotless, a blog focused on teaching you how to clean and organize. If you’re worried about not having enough time to clean, visit this link for tips on cleaning your home in half the time!