Universal News Share

Welcome to Universal News Share, the blog for Universal Health Fellowship. Our community is a health care sharing ministry where members share their medical expenses with each other. Interested in joining? Click “Get in Touch” at the top of this page.

The Fast Facts on Birth Control

The Fast Facts on Birth Control

Despite national access to birth control methods, there are many misconceptions about which forms of birth control are the safest, which are the most effective, and what side effects are normal. In this Fast Facts blog, we outline different birth control forms, uses, and medications.

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The Importance of SPF

The Importance of SPF

The sun is beaming, the weather is warm, and it’s time to spend more of our days outside. While you’re having fun in the sun, remember to protect yourself from harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays with a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15.

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7 Ways to Reduce Screen Time

7 Ways to Reduce Screen Time

Do you know how many hours you spend staring at a screen each day? The global average is 7 hours, but many Americans fall into the double-digits. If you’re looking for tips to reduce your screen time, keep reading.

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Screen Time and Your Health

Screen Time and Your Health

Screens are used everywhere for everything – work, school, communicating with friends and family, and our entertainment. But how is that screen time affecting your health?

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The Fast Facts on Burnout

The Fast Facts on Burnout

We all feel stress in our lives. Whether it’s related to work, family, finances, or a specific situation, we all live with regular stressors. But when does feeling stressed or overwhelmed become “burnout”? Keep reading to find out what burnout is and what you can do to prevent it.

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Yoga poses to improve your health

Yoga poses to improve your health

People of all ages can benefit from yoga’s physical and mental health benefits. Here are some yoga poses you can start doing right now to improve your health!

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5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

The Mayo Clinic defines self-esteem as your “overall opinion of yourself – how you feel about your abilities and limitations.” Healthy self-esteem can look like making confident decisions, avoiding and escaping unhealthy relationships, and expressing your needs assertively.

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The Fast Facts of Menopause

The Fast Facts of Menopause

Anyone with a female reproductive system will go through menopause as hormones in the body begin to change. In this blog, we cover the most frequently asked questions about menopause, list several tips for managing symptoms, and discuss the stigma around menopause.

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The Importance of Practical Self Care

The Importance of Practical Self Care

Self-care is more than a buzzword or fast-lived trend. Practicing regular self-care can have a great impact on your health and overall well-being. While we often see self-care portrayed as a bubble bath, face mask, or massage, self-care doesn’t always look glamorous. In fact, self-care should look different for everyone based on your individual needs.

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If you have a question about a specific member and/or needs request, please call the number on the back of the member’s UHF membership card.

For more general inquiries, call 877-987-1233.


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Or call 800-921-4505, select option 3