As more and more businesses and industries began to close or become limited due to the rising threat of COVID-19, adaptability has become integral to survival. One industry that has taken this sentiment in stride is the new online health care option known as telemedicine. Telemedicine is a two-way, real-time interactive communication with the patient and physician at different locations. It’s an optional way to receive health care that:

Telemedicine didn’t just pop out of the sky, however. The trend found success several years before the pandemic reached global attention as a way for patients in distant locations to access critical medical specialties. In fact, Telemedicine was a growth market expected to top $130 billion by 2025.

Today, this contactless experience is a comforting notion for the average citizen who understands the risk of interacting with anyone who’s not in your immediate family. It’s allowing health care practitioners to provide the assistance and care their patients need while ensuring the most safety for themselves. And today telemedicine has grown to include other ancillary services such as mental therapy and pharmaceutical services.

As a Universal HealthShare member, you automatically have access to telemedicine services, which are available to you 24/7 at no consultation fee. It’s fast, convenient, affordable and low risk. If you want to know more, check out your UHS Membership Card or call Customer Service using the number on the back of your card.