New Year’s Resolutions are a great way to take a step in a new direction, but often end up forgotten about. The gyms are always bustling the first couple of weeks in January, but by the middle of February, the workout machines are back to being used by the regulars at the gym. By March, many have forgotten what their resolutions even were.

Below are some steps to follow to reach and maintain your new year goals and continue with them throughout the rest of this year:

Find an accountability partner
This is a key step when embarking on any new goal. By employing a friend or family member to help you stay on track with a specific goal, that goal becomes much harder to quit.

Write your goals where you will see them
Write your goals down in your own handwriting, then place that list somewhere in your bedroom, on a mirror, or by the kitchen sink. Make sure it’s in a space where you will see that list at least twice a day. The more you see the list, the more likely you are to find a way of accomplishing these goals.

Make sure your goals are attainable
While setting a huge goal that will take more time is great, it’s often more beneficial to write the smaller steps you’ll need to take to reach that big goal. When you’ve accomplished those smaller steps, you can cross them off your list to see how close you are to achieving your larger goal.

Create time for your goals on your calendar
When something is on your calendar, your brain is tricked into thinking that task is mandatory instead of optional. By time blocking a section of your day to put time into a specific goal you have created for yourself, you can help yourself stay on track.

Build your goals into your routine
Most goals are not a singular, simple change. Oftentimes reaching your goals requires a bigger lifestyle change. If your resolutions include getting more sleep, exercising more, eating healthier, or doing more self-care, add them to daily your routine so you make a habit of them instead of a task to check-off.