Most people in America probably reach for a caffeinated beverage first thing in the morning. For some people caffeine is what gets us through the day. Whatever your reason, beverage or caffeine substance of choice is, it’s probably important to you. And there are some good reasons why.

Most people know that caffeine can boost mental sharpness and focus, but did you know it can also enhance athletic performance? Studies show that caffeine can “boost power and endurance” which can allow people to “exercise harder and longer” (Fernstrom, 2012).

To determine how much caffeine your body can handle, take your body weight, divide it in half, and multiply it by three. The resulting number is how many milligrams of caffeine your body can handle. As an example, an eight-ounce cup of coffee is estimated to have 95 milligrams of caffeine.

The more caffeine you consume the more your body gets used to it, therefore it is better to consume less caffeine so that your body responds to it when you do choose to drink it.

Too much caffeine can also have reverse effects, such as decreasing performance, increasing anxiety, disrupting sleep, creating digestive problems, and causing heart palpitations (Fernstrom, 2012). While caffeine is an important part of what fuels us to get through the day, keep in mind that too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.