
Vegetarian Lifestyle & Lowering Your Stroke Risk

Many people around the world ascribe to a dairy-free, gluten-free, pescetarian, vegetarian, or vegan lifestyle. These are not “diets” to lose weight, but “dietary habits” and lifestyle choices that people make based on their dietary needs, religious, environmental, or personal beliefs.
Vegetarian Lifestyle & Lowering Your Stroke Risk

Many people around the world ascribe to a dairy-free, gluten-free, pescetarian, vegetarian, or vegan lifestyle. These are not “diets” to lose weight, but “dietary habits” and lifestyle choices that people make based on their dietary needs, religious, environmental, or personal beliefs.

A study done by Neurology found that 30% of a Buddhist community in Taiwan were vegetarian. The average age of the people who participated in this study were 50 years old, and none had had a prior stroke. Years later, during follow-up interviews “the vegetarians had only about half the risk of experiencing a stroke as the non-vegetarians.” Based on this study and various others, research supports “that plant-based diets help protect against all types of cardiovascular disease.”

Can’t give up meat completely? Don’t worry, it is not for everyone but try and go one day a week, or three meals throughout the week without meat.  Here are some other resources to check out more health benefits of a plant-based lifestyle and ways to figure out what ‘diet’ might be best for you…


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